My career in Healthcare has spanned 38 years, thirty years of which have involved some means of education around better understanding of regulations, coding and billing guidelines. I began formally teaching and growing future coders in 2000, becoming an AAPC Approved and Certified Professional Medical Coding Curriculum Instructor. Throughout the years I have found great pleasure in sharing my knowledge while growing coders. It is with great sadness that I announce that I must temporarily discontinue offering these services at this time.

It has been recently brought to my attention, by the Commonwealth of Virginia, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), that the courses I offer have a standard curriculum and are therefore considered ‘postsecondary instruction’. Based on this classification, the Code of Virginia requires I have a valid Certificate to Operate. To continue instruction without this certification would be a violation, therefore I will be discontinuing my curriculum driven courses until this certification can be obtained from the SCHEV.

I appreciate your support and will continue to offer workshops and in-services regarding complex coding topics. Once the certification process is complete, and I am in full compliance with all of the various state regulations in this area which have recently been brought to my attention, I will announce new dates for resuming those curriculum driven classes.

